Wanderer Post Scriptum

Recital, 2013
Stage direction : Antoine Gindt
Artistic collaboration : Elodie Brémaud
Creative coding : Tomek Jarolim
Costumes : Fanny Brouste
With Ivan Ludlow (baritone), Kalina Georgieva (piano)
Production T&M-Paris
With the support of the Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
And the participation of DICRéAM-CNC
Thanks to Hélène Aziza, to the members of Cercle T&M, to the Théâtre de Gennevilliers, and the Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil
Created on février 1st, 2013 at the Théâtre de St-Quentin-en-Yvelines

From two cycles of songs (lieder and melodies) by Wolfgang Rihm and Gerard Pesson, we wanted to cross two ideas : finding the Wanderer again (the Traveler, this very character of the romanticism for who the path is more important than the goal ) and imagining him in a strange relationship with his pianist/companion.

This show is a real musical theater play in the sense that the theater is associated with musical rhythm as well as words : the choice of the music (Rihm, Pesson, Eisler…), their sequence, the situations taken from the poems from Nietzsche, Sandro Penna or Brecht, create the conditions for the stage creation. The Wanderer is actually played by the singer as the couple’s relationship is found throughout the show. The visual dimension, thanks to digital images Tomek Jarolim, accompanies and provides the tools necessary to play the space changes, the theater.

In this case, this show cannot be dissociated from its performers : Ivan Ludlow was Wotan/Wanderer in our Ring Saga in 2011, Kalina Georgieva is his companion in the real life and on the stage. Their complicity, affection, intimacy are the vital dimension of the staging.

Dates :
Feb. 1st and 2nd  : St-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Théâtre
Feb. 18th : Paris – Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord