Giordano Bruno
- Live
- T&M Paris
Opera in twi parts and twelve scenes by Francesco Filidei, 2015 Libretto by Stefano Busellato (ordered by T&M-Paris, Casa da Musica, financed by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, with the support of Réseau Varèse). Music direction : Peter Rundel Assistant to music direction : Léo Warynski Stage direction : Antoine Gindt Scenography : Elise Capdenat Light design : Daniel Levy Costumes : Fanny Brouste With : Giordano Bruno : Lionel Peintre, Inquisitor 1 : Jeff Martin, Inquisitor 2 : Ivan Ludlow, Pope Clement VIII : Guilhem Terrail Twelve solo voices : Raquel Camarinha, Eléonore Lemaire, Johanne Cassar, Lorraine Tisserant, Charlotte Schumann, Aurélie Bouglé, Benjamin Aguirre Zubiri, David Tricou, René Ramos Premier, Julien Clément, Antoine Kessel, Florent Baffi Remix Ensemble Casa da Música (Porto, Strasbourg, Reggio Emilia, Milan), Ensemble intercontemporain (Gennevilliers, Caen) Collaboration to the stage direction and assistant : Élodie Brémaud Video creation : Tomek Jarolim Accessories : Pia de Compiègne Makeup, hair design : Corinne Blot Head of vocals : Yoan Héreau Collaboration to mouvements : Stéfany Ganachaud Production : T&M-Paris Coproduction : Casa da Música, Festival Musica, T2G-CDNCC, Théâtre de Caen, Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia With the support ofFonds de Création Lyrique/SACD, d’Arcadi Île-de-France For Giordano Bruno, Antoine Gindt benefits a working residency at the French Academy in Rome - Villa Médicis The libretto of Stefano Busellato is taken from the original texts of Giordano Bruno and a selection by Nanni Balestrini
First opera by the Italian composer Francesco Filidei, Giordano Bruno is directed by Antoine Gindt who finds the joins once again german conductor Peter Rundel. It brings together not less than sixteen singers and the prestigious Ensemble intercontemporain. A lyrical event, a vast European collaboration, devoted to the heretical and visionary philosopher condemned to the stake by the Roman Inquisition in 1600.
Giordano Bruno is signed by free thinker Francesco Filidei, a 42-year-old Italian composer and organist on a libretto by Stefano Busellato, a professor and researcher in contemporary philosophy at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) who related the « passions » of Giordano Bruno. Philosopher who developed Copernican theories, imagining an infinite universe and betting on the transformation of matter, adept at magic, fascinated by hermeticism and cosmology, a satirical author who was blasphemous, a visionary traveler driven out of a country to another, he had everything to end on the pyre of the Roman Inquisition.