Augmented Window
- Interaction Design
Interactive installation and curating, by Thierry Fournier, 2011
Within the framework of Futur en Seine, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Conception and direction : Thierry Fournier
Curating : Grégory Diguet, Thierry Fournier and Jean-François Robardet
Artists and authors : Benjamin Laurent Aman, Ivan Argote, Felicia Atkinson, Christelle Bakhache et Clément Féger, David Beytelmann, Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Pierre Carniaux, Céline Flécheux, Juliette Fontaine, Thierry Fournier, Marie Husson, Tomek Jarolim, Pascal Mazoyer, Jean-François Robardet, Marcos Serrano, Antoine Schmitt
Sciences Po Coordination : Christelle Bakhache, Clément Féger
Interface research team : Christelle Bakhache, Grégory Diguet, Jean-Baptiste Droulers, Clément Féger, Thierry Fournier, Tomek Jarolim, Jean-François Robardet, Marcos Serrano, Milovann Yanatchkov
Engineering : Jean-Baptiste Droulers
iPhone App, Website, interactif design : Tomek Jarolim & Marcos Serrano
Development : Mathieu Chamagne
Conception and 3D architecture : Pascal Mazoyer
Construction : Grégoire Chambard – Boutabout
Région Ile de France – Cap Digital (Futur en Seine)
Région Languedoc – Roussillon (« Culture et TIC » 2010 Grant)
Medialab Sciences Po – Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
Prototype co-developped within the framework of EnsadLab – Programme DiiP – Sensitive Surfaces, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
Project porting (Région IdF / Futur en Seine) : Aquilon Consulting – Pierre-Yves Bérenguer
Projet porting (Région Languedoc) : Pandore Production, with Bipolar Production
Project conceived and directed by Thierry Fournier, Augmented Window is a “sensitive observatory”. Artists and authors are invited to propose a critical interpretation or a work taking the landscape as the object. Their contributions are geotagged and searchable on a touch window, focused on a live video landscape. These contributions start in the landscape itself.
Augmented Window offers a curatorial, collective and prospective representation of a landscape, where the approaches are deployed in a common critical perspective, implemented through a principle of “augmented reality”. Here, the concept of augmented reality is not addressed in the sense of information or immersion addition, but questioned as the possibility of creating an area of tension between different views. The screen acts as a window, framing the landscape with a real-time video. By zooming and moving the window intuitively by touch, the viewer can gradually discover and compare the contributions. The choice of a fixed vertical framing responds to the desire of promoting a breakthrough in depth, through a sensory experience.
The prototype of the project Augmented Window has resulted in a research project coordinated by Thierry Fournier in the research laboratory EnsadLab the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris (Diip program, axis Sensitive Surfaces ). It is also developed in partnership with Medialab Sciences-Po, under the direction of Bruno Latour.